Why Join Show Choir?
Student Leaders from The Music Machine and Sound Unlimited attend the UCSD Challenge Course each year to bond and develop their leadership skills.
What do students gain from participation in show choir?
The advanced show choirs at Bonita Vista are very demanding programs which require dedication and commitment from both students and parents. Students must pass a rigorous audition process to show that they have the music and dance skills required for the programs. Music Machine students rehearse for 2 periods, and Sound Unlimited 1 period and every Monday evening for 3 hours. In addition, there are many after school and weekend rehearsals and performances during the school year outside of regular class time.
Students must learn self-discipline and time management skills in order to balance school, show choir, home responsibilities, work, and other extracurricular activities (some of our students are also involved in church groups, CYT, athletics, ASB, cheerleading, AP/IB, yearbook, and other school programs). Universities recognize that students such as ours who remain in show choir throughout high school are more successful in college because of 1) their ability to commit to and balance such a rigorous program with academics, and 2) the life skills they develop which help them navigate life after high school. All show choir students are required to maintain good grades in order to perform and/or travel with the groups.
Teamwork, tolerance, and good sportsmanship are a must in the Vocal Music Department. Diversity is a key element of the groups and we are proud that our students come from many different cultures and backgrounds. In addition to receiving a first-rate music and dance education, students also learn poise and personal expression - improving public speaking skills, and gaining self-confidence and self-esteem along the way.
It has long been recognized that students of the arts are more creative thinkers and problem solvers, and music in particular can help to increase test scores in both reading and math. Through their experiences in The Music Machine and Sound Unlimited, our students also learn important social and leadership skills. The life skills gained by students who remain in our programs throughout high school are invaluable to them as they move on to college and beyond.